Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cats and Dogs and Turkey

Turkey is for cats. And dogs. And people who love cats and dogs. Down every alley way in every city and town there is a furry four legged friend (or six) to greet. They may be scavanging in rubbish bins or lying lazily in the sun, licking their lustrous coats. Whether they have collars denoting some type of ownership arrangement or run wild and free they all take pride in their feline or canine appearances, even those that limp or squint do so proudly.

If you are a cat lover, or a dog lover, you will love turkey. You will love seeing
these tabbys and marmalades trotting about the streets, the cheeky kitties on the sea
front demanding the fish from your sandwich. THey don't go hungry, these animals. For the Turks are are as welcoming to these furry guests as they are to tourists like us. 'Come in', they say to us, 'make yourself at home', while out their back doors their leftovers are bequeathed to their four legged neighbors.

Every now and then you see a playful pup launch at an pussy cat who isn't in the mood for games, and dives under a parked car. Sometimes from your bed at night you can her loud feline conversations that don't sound entirely amicable. But, for the most part, the Turks, be they four legged or two legged, are a happy bunch, putting differences asice and sharing what they have with a smile and a purr.

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